sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2012

Minha lista de perguntas

Oi, meninas!! Mais um mês se passou e aqui estou eu para o meu post!!

Acho que alguém já deve ter postado a lista de perguntas pra se fazer para a host family, mas resolvi postar a minha listinha aqui... Juntei várias perguntas que eu "inventei", outras que eu vi em blogs... Acho que tepende muito de pessoa pra pessoa e de família pra família as perguntas que precisamos fazer, e nessa minha lista tem tudo o que EU acho necessário saber.

Aí vai:


*What do they like to do?

*What are their favorite games and toys?

*Do they have any allergies?

*How far are their school?

*Are they energetic or calm?

*Are they potty trained?

*What do they usually eat?

*Is there any kind of food that they can't eat?

*What modes of discipline and parenting style do you use?

*What qualities are most important to you in the au pair?

*What are your expectations of the au pair's role in the family?

*Do you want me to be responsible for the whole family's laundry or just the kid's?

*What will my schedule be like?

*When will I have free time?

*Are any schools or Universities in your area?

*Is the pace of life in the neighborhood you live fast or slow?

*Is there any public transportation near the house?

*Will I have access to the car? Could I use it on my free time?

*Is a state driver's license required?

*How far could I go with the car?

*Would I have curfew?

*What do you guys do for a living?

*Why are you interested in getting an au pair?

*Have you ever had an au pair before?

*What do you guys like to do on your free time as a family?

*What are the family activities on weekends?

*Do you have any religion?

*Is it too cold in the city?

*Do you have pets?

*Do you have a housekeeper?

*What things are there in town to do with the children?

*What will be my role in the family?

*What are the house's rules?

*Where in the house is located the au pair's room?

*Could I receive friends at home?

Eu estou mega preparada com essas perguntas!! Já tive contato com 5 famílias, 2 da minha agência e 3 de fora, então já estou com um pouquinho de experiência nisso!:)

Pra quem quiser saber como está meu processo, dá uma olhadinha no meu blog pessoal... Tenho tentado deixar sempre atualizadinho!
Lidia Au Pair - Vivendo, Viajando e Mudando.

Espero que vocês aproveitem as dicas, meninas!!
Até mês que vem, quem sabe com boas novidades!!:)


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