sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2012


Oi meninas, primeiro, FELIZ 2012 PRA NÓS!!! Ehhh girls, esse é o nosso ano...

Algumas estão mais pertinho, outras começando o processo... não importa.... we must try to improve our english (eh assim produção???). Bom, vagando entre um blog e outro… achei essa lista que pode nos ser muitoooo útil. É uma lista com todas (ou quase) as abreviações de texto usadas em mensagens de celular, twitter, emails etc...  Difícil vai ser memorizar todas elas, mas não custa tentar, não é??
E como ta minha saga aupariana??? Igual, parada. Estagnada no APP que não sai do chão... Mas vamos lá... não desisto!

Beijinhos pra todas!

Cáren Cristine Dal Más - RS

2U - to you -
4U - for you -
AAA - against all risks -
AFAIK - As far as I know -
AKA - Also known as -
ASAP - As soon as possible -
ATYS - Anything You Say -
AWOL - absence without leave -
B4 - before
BAMF - bad-ass mother fucker -
BAS - be a sportsman -
BBFN - Bye Bye For Now -
BBIAB - Be Back In A Bit -
BBL - Be Back Later -
BFI - Brute Force and Ignorance -
BFN - Bye For Now -
BFU - Bloody Fucking User -
BG - BackGround -
BLTP- better on lips than on paper -
BQ - beyond question -
BRB - Be Right Back -
BRGDS - best regards -
BTW - By The Way -
CAD - Control-Alternate-Delete -
CAD - Computer Aided Design -
CDP - CFD - call for discussion -
CFV - call fot vote - CHDP -
CITA - caught in the act -
CoB - chairman of board -
CoC - chairman of council -
CUA - commonly used acronym -
CUL - See You Later -
CUL8R - See you later! -
CYL - See You Later -
DLTM - don't lie to me -
F2F - Face To Face -
FAQ - Frenquently Asked Questions -
FCFS - first come, first served -
FDROTFL - Falling Down Rolling On The Floor Laughing -
FITB - Fill In The Blanks -
FMPOV - From my point of view -
FOAF - Friend Of A Friend -
FOD - Finger Of Death -
FOTCL - Falling Off The Chair Laughing -
FTF - Face To Face -
FUBAR - Fixed Up Beyond All Recognition -
FUD - fear, uncertainty and doubt -
FWIW - For What It's Worth -
FYA - For Your Amusement -
FYI - For your information -
G - Grin -
GA - Go Ahead -
GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out -
GIWIST - Gee I Wish I'd Said That oh -
GOMY - get out of my way -
GOWI - go on with it -
H!WYM - Hey! Watch your mouth! -
HHOJ - Ha Ha Only Joking -
HHOK - Ha Ha Only Kidding -
HHOS - Ha Ha Only Serious -
HLAYK - Here's Looking At You Kid -
HSIK - How Should I Know -
HTH - hope this helps -
HWMBO - he, who must be obeyed -
IAE - In Any Event -
IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer -
ICOCBW - I Could Of Course Be Wrong -
IMCO - in my considered opinion -
IMHO - In my humble opinion -
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion -
IMO - In My Opinion - podľa môjho
INAL - I'm Not A Lawyer -
IOW - In Other Words -
IWBNI - It Would Be Nice If -
JAM - Just A Minute -
JFYI - Just For Your Information -
JOOTT - Just One Of Those Things -
JSNM - Just Stark Naked Magic -
KMP - keep me posted -
KTP - keep this private -
L8R - Later -
L8R - LateR -
LAB&TYD - Life's A Bitch & Then You Die -
LMN - Let Me Know -
LOL - Laughing Out Loud -
LOL - lots of laughing loud -
LTNC - Long time no see! -
MEGO - My Eyes Glaze Over -
MHOTY - my hat's off to you -
MOF - matter of factly -
MORF - Male OR Female -
MTW - mum's the word -
MYOB - Mind Your Own Business -
N/A - Not Available -
NBD - No Big Deal -
NFW - no fucking way -
NHOH - Never Heard Of Him/Her -
NM - never mind -
NOYB - None Of Your Business -
NP - No Problem -
NRN - No Reply Necessary -
OBJ - OBligatory Joke -
OBTW - Oh, By The Way -
OGIMA - Oh God Its Monday Again -
OIC - Oh, I see! -
OL - Old Lady -
OM - Old Man -
OO - Over and Out -
Oh Really now - oh,
OT - Off Topic -
OTL - Out To Lunch -
OTOH - On the other hand -
OTR - off the record -
OTT - Over The Top -
OTTH - on the third hand -
PASII - put a sock in it -
PEBKAC - problem exists between keyboard and chair -
PITA - Pain In The Ass -
PLS - Please -
PM - Preventive Maintenance -
PMFJI - Pardon Me For Jumping In -
PMJI - Pardon My Jumping In -
POM - Phase Of the Moon -
POV - Point Of View -
QD - quiet down -
RAD - Raw, Unadulterated Dumbness -
RE - Re-hello (hello again) -
RFD - request for discussion -
RGRDS - Regards -
RL - Real Life -
RNA - Ringing, No Answer -
ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing -
ROTF - Rolling On The Floor -
ROTF,L - Rolling On The Floor, Laughing -
ROTM - Right On The Money -
RSN - Real Soon Now -
RSN - real soon now -
RTFAQ - Read The FAQ -
RTFM - Read The Fucking Manual -
RTFM - Read The Fine Manual -
RUMOF - Are You Male Or Female? -
RUOK? - Are you OK? -
SAI - so as I -
SIG - Special Interest Group -
SITD - still in the dark -
SL - Section Leader -
SNAFU - Situation Normal, All Fixed Up -
SO - So Other... -
SO - Significant Other -
SOY - shame on you -
SUP - What's Up? -
SWAK - Sealed with a kiss -
SWEIN - So What Else Is New? -
SYSOP - Systems Operator -
TA - Thanks Again -
TAFN - That's All For Now -
TANJ - There Ain't No Justice -
TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch -
TGIF - Thank God Its Friday -
THX - Thanks -
TIA - Thanks In Advance -
TIC - Tongue In Cheek -
TNX1.0E6 - ThaNKS a million -
TNX1M - ThaNKS a million - milionkrát dik
TTBOMK - To The Best Of My Knowledge -
TTFN - Ta Ta for now -
TTUL - Talk To you Later -
TTYL - Talk To You Later -
TXNS - Thanks -
TYVM - thank you very much -
TYVM - Thank You Very Much -
U2 - you too -
UOK? - Are You OK? -
W84ME - Wait for me -
WOA - Work Of Art -
WOL - Win Or Lose -
WRT - With respect to -
WTH - What The Hell -
WU - What's Up? -
WWYL - When Will You Learn -
WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get -
XMAS - Christmas -
XYL - Ex Young Lady -
YA - Yet Another -
YABA - Yet Another Bloody Acronym -
YABSA - Yet Another Bloody Stupid Acronym -
YAFI - You Asked For It,
YGI - You Got It -
YAO - Yet Another Off
TM-Topic Message -
YD - You're Dead - si mŕtvy
YG - Young Gentleman -
You Get What
YPF - You Pay For -
YHM - You Have Mail -
YL - Young Lady -
YM - Young Man -
YW - You're Welcome -
LOL : Laughing Out Loudly :
ROFL : Rolling On Floor Laughing :
IMHO : In My Humble Opinion : .
OT : Off Topic :
OMG : Oh My God! :
OMFG : Oh My Fucking God! :
FYI : For Your Information : 
STFU : Shut The Fuck Up! :
ASAP: As Soon As Posible :
BTW : By The Way :
FK U : Fuck You :
AFAIK : As Far As I Know :
WTHIT : What The Hell Is This :
THX : Thanks :
MSG : Message :
UTFG: Use The Fucking Google :
RTFM : Read The Fucking Manual :
WTF : What The Fuck? :

2 comentários:

  1. Adoreeeei seu post Caren! Muito util as siglas :)


  2. Adorei o post.. muito util, principalmente pelo motivo que os americanos adorammm usar essas malditas abreviações... uahuhauhha
